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Good Day, We as a team planning flw trip: Ticket to/back Vilnius/Lithuania-Honol...

 Discussion Thread
 Response Via Email (CBP ESTA Officer)
06/07/2017 07:57 AM

Based on your description of the trip, the ESTA Authorization would suffice in this instance. You will not need the ESTA Authorization upon your departure to FIJI. The ESTA Authorization is only used for U.S. Entry.

 Customer By Web Form
05/30/2017 04:26 AM
Good Day,
We as a team planning flw trip:

Ticket to/back Vilnius/Lithuania-Honolulu-Vilnius.
1. Entry USA via Los Angeles or San Francisco airport 2017 September
Under same ticket internal flight to Honolulu.
2. Yachting to Fiji 2 weeks from Honolulu.
3. Flight back Fiji Honolulu October 2017.
4. Flight Honolulu Vilnius next day.

Total duration 30-35 days.

Is ESTA Viza is enough for this kind of trip?
Is ESTA Viza is enough to depart by yacht from Honolulu to Fiji?

Thank you
Kestas Pavlidi
Vilnius, Lithuania

 Question Reference #170530-000248
Topic Level 1: 
ESTA / Visa Waiver Program
Topic Level 2: 
I have a general question about ESTA/VWP
Date Created: 
05/30/2017 04:26 AM
Last Updated: 
06/07/2017 07:57 AM
First Name: 


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